Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

Energy Sink #3: Aggressively Cutting Carbs or Fats 

Many of us have fallen prey to the idea that eliminating carbohydrates or fats from our diet (depending on which extreme diet philosophy you may subscribe to) will help us lose weight faster. Alas, this is an unsustainable tactic for achieving fitness goals—and a quick path to exhaustion.

When you exercise, your body derives energy from glycogen stores, an energy surplus located in muscle and liver cells. Complex carbohydrates like whole grains, lentils, fruits, or sweet potatoes are essential for replenishing those stores. These foods also make you feel fuller, longer, so you don’t fall prey to empty-calorie snacking—which can result in an energy crash later. Cutting out Wonderbread and candy bars is one thing, but there are some carbs your body really needs.

Similarly, “good” fats like nuts, fish, and avocados are equally important sources of fuel for the body. Unlike saturated fats, these healthful fats support cell function and structure, muscle building, and heart health. And because unsaturated fats slow digestion, eating them will also help you feel fuller for longer—which spells sustained energy levels throughout the day.

COURSE CORRECTION: It’s all about balance. One exceptionally well-balanced approach to eating is the Mediterranean diet, which focuses on fruits and veggies, whole grains, seafood, nuts and legumes, and olive oil. Notably, it doesn’t outright ban meat or dairy, emphasizing moderation instead, making you much more likely to stick with this approach—and gain more of its benefits—over time.

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