Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

We caught up with Urban pro Roberto to find out what a typical day in the life looks like for him and what his biggest career standout is so far…

Hey Roberto! Mind telling us what treatments you offer on Urban?

I offer deep tissue, sports massage and injury and pain management.

How long have you been practicing?

I have been practicing for over eight years now.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

Meeting different people with different backgrounds and different goals. Helping them to feel better and ultimately educate about the importance of physical activity and general well-being.

What’s been your standout moment of your career to date?

I would say when a famous UK singer and movie actress was requesting my service on a weekly basis through Urban. But, honestly if I have to pick, working with Urban during the Running Show and helping runners at the London Marathon. That was such a rewarding experience.

What’s one piece of advice you’d give to someone wanting to follow in your footsteps?

To never stop being curious. It is such a great field that still has lots of things to be discovered, how our body works is just fascinating. It is the most rewarding career yet.

If you didn’t become a massage therapist what would you have wanted to do instead?

Probably a doctor specialising in sport.

Describe a typical working day for you? (From waking up to going to bed)

I am Italian, I can’t function without a good cup of espresso (haha), then when my brain starts to work, I get my breakfast which is greek yogurt mixed with granola and honey. I am lucky to have a gym in my building, so I get ready and hit the weights for 30 minutes then back up, shower and I start study for my PGDip in Sport medicine (yes,I admit it, I am a degree-junkie!). Pasta during lunch time gives me enough energy to start my afternoon/evening work with Urban. When I go back home I enjoy a bit of couch time, watching the latest tv series.

Where are you from?

I am Italian, born and bred in a small Town called Sessa Aurunca in the south in between Naples and Rome.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

In my free time I watch football, play football, I enjoy reading mangas and watch anime. One piece is my favourite, I have been watching it for the past 15 years!

Do you have any interesting hobbies?

I like to play chess, vintage video games and I am in the look out for a fencing club in East London.

What does self-care mean to you?

Doing enough physical activity, stretching, having treatments, eating healthy, and staying hydrated. Our body is our house, we need to take care of it.

Do you ever book treatments for yourself?

I do! Not as often as I would like to because of my busy schedule but in addition to my standard monthly treatment I usually follow CDP courses in which we have to try techniques on each other and that is a great source of treatment for me.

To book Roberto for your next treatment head to our website.

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