Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Posted:Friday, January 27, 2023

(Above) Benny Vaugn uses Winback Tecartherapy on Marshall.

By Marshall Dahneke

Years ago, I led a development effort to create better home-care solutions. While my team and I spent considerable time understanding domestic unmet needs, we also explored how other countries were tacking these identical human requirements. After all, mobility challenges are not unique to one geography; and we hoped that exciting new answers had already begun to emerge to address these legacy problems elsewhere. Guess what we discovered? Fundamentally different and better approaches to home care had popped up across Europe and Asia, with the greatest innovations emerging in Japan.

Oscar Wilde famously stated, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” Why re-invent when we could simply adapt intriguing solutions from other regions to the U.S. market? Too often we operate in a constrained, regional, or local environment, without even recognizing these limitations. Fortunately, there are individuals and organizations exploring and working to break down barriers in order to increase our options. For several decades, Benny Vaughn, a respected massage therapist and athletic trainer, has been working with the U.S. Olympic Team to support athletes at five consecutive Olympics as well as other international competitions. As a result, he has traveled to and treated elite performers in about every region of the world and been exposed to alternate technologies and therapies not widely known and available in the U.S. An example is Tecar therapy, a radiofrequency energy modality that amplifies manual therapy, reduces pain, and accelerates recovery. This modality has been effectively used elsewhere for many years and is now being introduced to the U.S. market by Winback.

While hugely beneficial to world-class competitors, a person does not have to be an athlete to endure myofascial complaints (strains, sprains, tendonitis, adhesions) that prevent or compromise biomechanical function. Take myself for example. While I’m no Olympic runner, I greatly benefited from and enjoyed my Winback Tecartherapy treatment last Fall. Given this modality’s relative newness in the U.S., I flew to Dallas to receive this treatment. I visited Benny Vaughn’s facility in Ft. Worth, Tex., and received manual therapy for my injuries from the master himself. After diagnosis, Benny began to treat the affected muscles and tendons. As he “fired up” the Winback unit, I could clearly feel the radio-frequency energy warming up the focus areas, especially the deeper tissue. This warmth naturally created a relaxation response. The entire treatment was very comfortable and allowed Benny to work deeper, finishing faster than would otherwise have been possible. I believe that the Winback Therapy Method, combining the benefits of high-frequency current with Benny’s “healing hands,” accelerated a full recovery from my most nagging injury at that time!

Benny recently offered a webinar on how to effectively integrate Winback Tecartherapy into massage practice (link below). What follows are a few quotes taken from that webinar: “Winback Therapy impacts the temperature on fascia, which [allows] the amount of pressure that I’m using, and the angle of pressure of that glide speed on the skin to be more effective, to be gentler, and to really be efficient. And what I mean by efficient is that the amount of … time that’s required for me to get the real result that my client desires and that I desire is really shortened as you can also manipulate and modulate the temperature of that soft tissue.”

“When we utilize modalities that magnify and amplify what we’re doing with our hands with soft tissues and … fascia, the results that we get are truly transformational for our clients. And that’s what they are interested in. They are interested in transformation.”

As you cast your broader net in search of new techniques, technologies, and modalities that improve your practice and your clients’ experience and outcomes, consider learning more about Winback Tecartherapy and experience its warming energy!

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Learn more about Winback, proud Gold Sponsor of The Jacquelyn Project:

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