Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Story Massage Programme is bringing joy to children and adults at the end of their life. Vikki German, Family Support Worker at Shooting Star Children’s Hospice first trained in the programme back in 2016 and continues to share the benefits as part of the regular activities at the hospice. She is now planning to introduce the Story Massage Programme to children at a local hospital. Vikki has written a very special massage story for Mother’s Day for children to share.

Sharing Story Massage with Pre-School Children

“My first introduction to the Story Massage Programme was watching another therapist using it at our children’s hospice,” says Vikki, above left, “I was so excited that I immediately booked on the training course. It is such a fun and flexible programme. We have a day care centre here at Shooting Star House where we have pre-school children aged 5 and under. You can see how our resident teddy acts as the perfect seat for sharing massage stories!”

“I really enjoy seeing how the children get so involved with the sensory stories,” says Vikki, “The Story Massage strokes seem to make the words come alive. I have a selection of books suitable for young adults too. I simply add stickers to the pages of the books so that everyone knows which stroke to use. It is so easy and versatile – and everyone loves it. We get so much pleasure from seeing their smiling faces.”

Massage Story for Mother’s Day

Vikki also loves to create her own stories and poems for Story Massage sessions as this adds a personal touch. Here is one of Vikki’s massage stories written for Mothers Day.  It is such a simple but poignant tribute to all mothers that Shooting Star Chase recorded it for their website. Receiving a massage story from a child (of all ages) makes the perfect gift for mothers everywhere – free, personal and so relaxing. Here are the words of Vikki’s massage story but do write your own!

More about the Story Massage Programme

The Story Massage Programme combines the benefits of positive, respectful touch with the creativity and engagement of storytelling. Ten simple massage strokes form the basis of the programme. These strokes have a child friendly name, such as The Circle or The Sprinkle, and an easy to recognise symbol making it accessible for all. It is a fully inclusive activity, no clothing is removed and no oil is used. Stories can be taken from our Story Massage book, adapted from favourite stories or songs. or you can even create your own massage story for Mother’s Day like Mummy, I Love You.

Would you like to train in the Story Massage Programme?

Are you inspired by Vikki’s story? Would you like to know more? The online training is ideal for therapists, teachers, SEN staff, support staff, Early Years practitioners, those working with people with additional needs, Baby Massage Instructors, Relax Kids Coaches… everyone with an interest in sharing sensory stories and positive touch activities with children and adults. All the information is here: Story Massage Online Training.

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