Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Posted:Thursday, August 29, 2024

Lace up your bowling shoes and head out to your local bowling alley for a night of fun and FUNdraising for Massage Therapy Foundation! MTF is seeking individuals and teams to join MTF Bowl-A-Thon fundraiser. Whether you’re a bowling pro or playing just for fun, this event is for everyone. Bring your friends, family, and colleagues and enjoy an  friendly competition and good vibes—all for a great cause.

Email Marla Gamze at to set up your Bowl-a-Thon event page


Bowl-A-Thon Planning Packet

Printable PDF: Certificate of Appreciation for MTF Bowl-A-Thon Bowlers


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Bowl-A-Thon?

A Bowl-A-Thon is an event to raise much-needed financial support for the Massage Therapy Foundation. Participating bowlers collect donations/pledges prior to the event, gather to bowl and then follow-up with pledgers to collect donation. Your Bowl-A-Thon organizer will set you up to bowl two games as a group and you will have lots of fun while supporting a great cause!

What do I need to do?

Tell your friends, family, and business colleagues about your participation and ask for their support!

They can commit to a pledge on your pledge sheet, donate/pledge online or give you a check with a one-time donation to MTF. Bring any checks/cash you receive to your bowling event. Be sure to keep track of who gave you money so you can write them a nice thank you note!

How does the pledging work?

People will make a pledge per point/pin of your bowling game. For example, if someone pledges $0.25 per pin/point and your highest bowling score is 80, they will owe $20 to MTF. The pledge-per-point is set before you bowl and will apply to your best score of the night (we will be bowling two games). There is a minimum $0.15 pledge per pin so if you are a really good bowler, that can add up quickly! If people are nervous about committing to an unknown donation amount (the better you bowl, the higher the donation), they can make a one-time donation to MTF (10 minimum gift amount).

Are donations made to MTF through Bowl-A-Thon tax-deductible?

Yes! Be sure to keep track of the name and address of who supported you and you will send them a thank you letter after the event (your Bowl-A-Thon team leader has a template). The letter will also serve as a record for their taxes.

What’s the best way to go about asking people for support?

Send an email, make phone calls, or send a letter to your friends and family. Post a request to your social media pages. Include a link to the Bowl-A-Thon page after you set up your peer-to-peer page on MTF’s designated link so people can just click and give! Ask for support at school, work, place of worship, etc. You never know if you don’t ask!


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By admin