Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

Posted:Sunday, March 12, 2023

Join us for Research Perch! Listen in as MTF Research Committee Chair, researcher Dr. Niki Munk, interviews doctoral student Sami Zabel, about her MassageNet study exploring massage therapists’ knowledge and attitudes about mental health and mental illness—and how you can participate!

Scroll below the video to read more about this study.

You can download an audio-only version of this episode here.

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By Sami Zabel

Over the past few months, you may have heard about MassageNet, Massage Therapy Foundation’s Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN). MassageNet is a no-cost community of people interested in massage therapy research who come together to learn about research and support the growth of science in massage therapy. One of MassageNet‘s goals is to bring practice into research by  involving massage therapists in research studies.

Over 300 people have now enrolled; and we are starting to arrange research opportunities for our members to become engaged. MassageNet is proud to encourage the research efforts of students and trainee researchers. There are currently two student research studies recruiting through MassageNet. The first of these explores massage therapists’ knowledge and attitudes about mental health and mental illness.

This two-part study will form my doctoral dissertation (the culminating project for a PhD degree). The first part is a 30-minute, online survey looking at knowledge, understanding, and attitudes about mental health and mental illness. For the second part, a selection of survey respondents will be invited to participate in a 30-minute interview to learn more about how massage therapists’ personal, professional, and educational experiences affect how they understand and perceive mental health and mental illness. Learning more about what massage therapists know and believe about mental health can help develop education for massage therapists to better serve their clients and provide resources for those who are in need of mental health support.

Interested in joining MassageNet and participating in  exciting studies?

Click here to join!

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