Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

We love to hear how the benefits of the Story Massage Programme are spreading across the world.  So, we were delighted to get positive news from Alison Kennedy, a physiotherapist for International China Concern working in a children’s home for children and young people, many with PMLD.

Positive, nurturing touch in China

Since completing the Story Massage online training in February 2023, Alison says she introduces the programme whenever and wherever she gets the opportunity. “It is so good to see the welcome smiles from disadvantaged children and young people so desperately in need of nurturing touch, such as those in our home.” says Alison.

Story Massage in a Residential Care Home

Alison and colleagues recently ran a Story Massage session at a residential care home for 63 young people who benefited from the care and comfort of touch. She also regularly shares the Story Massage Programme at sensory circle time, in one-to-one therapy sessions and with groups of young adults.

“Massage stories help build connections and bring stories to life,” says Alison who has now worked with colleagues in China to adapt many different stories and rhymes with Story Massage strokes.  She has also translated the Story Massage strokes into Chinese so they can be introduced to local staff and carers.

Bringing Joy and Happiness

“We sometimes visit children in another orphanage in China,” says Alison, “Often children are stuck in bed and not able to enjoy group activities. It is wonderful to have a tool to share some love with these children who were reaching out to us. Thank you for giving us such a simple and accessible way of bringing joy and happiness to these children.”

Would you like to train in the Story Massage Programme?

Are you inspired by the work of Alison and her colleagues in China? Would you like to learn more? Sign up for our Story Massage Online Course and help share the benefits with the children or adults in your care – at home or at work.

We teach you how to share the ten Story Massage strokes and work with you to adapt familiar stories and even create some sensory stories of your own. Ideal for all teachers, SEN staff, support staff, therapists, Early Years practitioners,  those working with people with additional needs, Baby Massage Instructors, Relax Kids Coaches… everyone with an interest in sharing positive touch activities with children and adults of all ages and abilities.

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