Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Trigger Point Performance Massage Ball’s primary focus is to assist in managing minor aches and pains of the muscle by applying pressure to general areas. Apply pressure with the ball by using the floor, wall or any hard surface to stabilize movement of the ball. Once relieved, roll the TP Massage Ball side to side or in circles for a cross friction type massage. The TP Massage Ball is great for the neck, shoulders, back, chest, piriformis, calves, or anywhere that you have minor aches and pains.

$ 21.75

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3 thoughts on “Trigger Point Performance Self Myofascial Release and Deep Tissue Massage Ball”
  1. 27 of 28 people found the following review helpful
    2.0 out of 5 stars
    Barely OK but very overpriced, July 29, 2010
    A. Adams “alicat” (San Carlos, CA United States) –

    I bought the of products compete with the DVD. The DVD was a disappointing 8 mins long with very little information but that’s digressing since this review is about the ball.

    I used it a lot and it did help but after time it vent out of shape of got a lump and flat spot. I also needed several as I kept mislaying it and I found a rubber ball, about the size of a baseball, at a local store for 99c. This is just as good if not better than the TP Massage Ball.

    My general feeling is that these products cater for those who have a problem and are prepared to pay for them. Lets face it, when we’re in pain we’ll pay for something in the hope it will help us and I was sucked in like the next person. If all you need is a ball, just go down to the local sporting goods store and get one; you don’t need the fancy cloth covering of this product. A tennis ball in my opinion is too soft, a rubber ball is just right.

    Update: I’ve found the perfect solution – T-balls. 3 for $9 at Big5. Baseballs are too hard but for me T-balls are perfect.

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  2. 32 of 40 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars
    The Holy Grail for Self-Empowered Myofascial Treatment, February 11, 2010
    D. Kim “DeyBwah” (CA) –

    So I had some time this weekend to use my Hip + Lower Back kit and GRID Roller and here’s my review.

    A little bit of history on myself:

    I’ve been an athlete my whole life — basketball, football, wrestling, skateboarding, snowboarding, skimboarding, dancing, running and swimming.

    I’ve also been a practitioner of yoga for over 10 years and actively practicing trigger point therapy and other massage techniques for almost 10 years now.

    In Winter of 2003, I had a major snowboarding injury to my right hip that stretched up my entire spine from the whiplash. The immediate consequence was loss of function on my right leg for almost 2 months. The long-term residual consequence was the loss of function in my arms. This surfaced while I was attending Musician’s Institute, playing my guitar for up to 10 hours-a-day. The doctors addressed the symptoms, not the cause… looking solely at my wrists and labeling it Tendonitis when in reality, the symptoms came from aggravated nerves in my neck from the whiplash.

    I had a similar experience as Cassidy, finding short-term relief in all forms of specialists and treatments but nothing that lasted long-term and more importantly, nothing that empowered me to take control of my recovery in the big picture. Doctors were nudging me towards surgery and meds while also advising me to reduce arm usage. Like hell I’m going to listen to some stranger that thinks they know more about my own body than me, even if they are doctors! No offense to doctors, but I wasn’t going to be a textbook case. No thanks!

    So using my past experience in athletics and manual therapy, I continued to build towards a working knowledge of how the body functions in all aspects, using myself as the test subject. One of the greatest discoveries from those years of research and experiments is Trigger Point therapy. With the myriad of different angles I approached, I can confidently say that I have regained complete control and function to both my arms with more strength than I ever remember and continue to make progress in other areas of my body — most notably, my hips and legs. I cannot over-emphasize the importance of taking care of one’s muscles for a better quality of life. It is a serious endeavor, aiming to rid one’s body of all muscular tension and trigger points. Even with the right tools, it can be the challenge of a life-time which is why I’m delighted to add Cassidy’s products to my tool box!

    Moving on to the tools:

    TP Ball – The TP ball is wrapped in a soft cloth cover that allows just the right about of “give” in relation to its solid core. The end result is a very effective balance of yield and pressure. This is the perfect setting between unduly soft air-filled balls like tennis balls and exceedingly hard solid balls like lacrosse balls.

    I keep these with me where ever I go. They work great in the palm of your hand against areas like the pectorals, abdomen, quads. If you have a wall nearby, they work great on the deltoids, back, glutes, etc… If you have a chair nearby, they work awesome on the hamstrings, glutes and piriformis muscles. If you want maximum pressure though, the floor works best, treating back, glutes, abs, psoas and feet muscles.

    TP Footballer – The TP Footballer is also wrapped in a soft cloth cover and shares the same balance of yield and give as the TP Ball. The shape and size of the Footballer is perfect for your arches, soleus and even forearms.

    I find that alternating between the TP Ball and TP Footballer works great in loosening up tight arches. Variety of movement and manipulations is key, just like in weight training. It appears that muscle-confusion works on recovery as much as growth.

    TP Quadballer – The TP Quadballer is basically a larger version of the Footballer, allowing you to treat the hamstrings, glutes, quads, and neck muscles. You can also use the Quadballer to treat your arches, soleus and arms if you want less intensity than the Footballer.

    The TP Quadballer replaced many tools I used prior to its discovery — particularly the tools I used for treating my quads.

    I use the TP Quadballer in combination with the GRID roller for variety. The TP Quadballer is lower to the ground, which can require more effort to get good leverage on certain muscles like the hamstrings, but it provides deeper pressure and the lower level makes it easier to treat other muscles like the quadriceps.

    TP GRID Roller – The TP GRID Roller is a compact, heavy-duty roller with different patterns on the surface for a variety of manipulations and applications.

    The first thing I noticed is the size — it’s much smaller than the foam roller I had before. This makes sense because you don’t need that much surface to make contact when rolling. This focuses the pressure more, providing better traction and circulation. The…

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  3. 6 of 6 people found the following review helpful
    4.0 out of 5 stars
    Useful ball, June 22, 2009
    Get Fit with Lizette “Lizette” (Lakeland, FL USA) –

    My husband and I have both used this product and found it very effective on sore spots. I have also used it on one of my clients, I am a Personal Trainer. She has a lot of trouble with her traps. The only problem I have found is it doesn’t slide up & down the wall very smoothly when I am trying to go over an area of my back before just resting on a trigger point. Overall, I find it a good product.

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